On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Kelly Clowers <kelly.clow...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Jochen Spieker <m...@well-adjusted.de>wrote:
>> [Disclaimer: I only run a mail server for mainly personal use. I have
>> less than ten users on that system but the configuration is comparable
>> to that of the ISPMail howto].
>> Muhammad Yousuf Khan:
>> >
>> > i am working in a small company 30 to 50 users, so which one is more
>> > suitable for me a mailbox storage in a folder or database by keeping
>> > in mind stability?
>> I don't think there are many people (or organisations) that keep their
>> e-mails in relational databases. Sure, mail servers like Exchange (or
>> Dovecot) may have their own on-disk-format for mailboxes instead of
>> plain maildirs or mboxes. But they don't use MySQL (or Postgres, for
>> that matter).
> Exchange may not use MS SQL Server, but it does use a database,
> namely Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) aka JET Blue (not the
> same code as JET Red, which was the old Access engine). MS
> looked at moving Exchange to SQL Server, but decided not to.
> AFAIK, Exchange is the only major mail server to do this.

And, hey! The new Gmail composer automatically uses reply-to-list!

Party! Party!

(Still defaults to top-posting, though.)

Kelly Clowers

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