Sorry for bad reply. Here is a copy past of the message I have sent only
to you by error, for the mailing list:

And an interesting side effect of my method is that you can continue to
*not* having any Xorg.conf, which is not that bad in my humble opinion. (I
am really grateful to Debian or whoever made it to allow me to avoid using
that file)
I think the easier way is to use the XrandR software: no need to restart
X, and bash auto-completion make things just easier to make the line you
want, or change things temporarily.
To make it automatic, just put the line in "~/.xinitrc". I do not have
such a file here, but if you need I can send you the version I have at
home (which works perfectly).

I guess something like that would works for you for dual screen:
"$xrandr --output LVDSI --mode 1366x768 --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080
--right-of LVDSI"

To only use the second screen, you can do that:
"$xrandr --output LVDSI --off --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of

Of course, I assumed that your lenovo have same graphic outputs as my
eeepc, which could be wrong.
Hope it helps.

Le Mer 7 novembre 2012 14:37, houkensjtu a écrit :
> Hi debianer!
> I installed debian-wheezy on my lenovo x121e laptop, and since it comes
> with a only 11.6 inch display, I plugged in a monitor through VGA port.
> Fortunately without any configuration I could got the same content
> display on both my laptop and the monitor I plugged. However the
> resolution are both 1366x768, which is not enough for my full HD monitor.
> So I don't want fancy dual-display, I just want to fix the resolution on
> my monitor to become 1920x1080. How can I do it?
> (I read several articles said about xorg.conf, and I re-write piece of my
> xorg.conf:
> Section "Screen"
> Identifier "Screen0"
> Device     "Card0"
> Monitor    "Monitor0"
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     1
> EndSubSection
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     4
> EndSubSection
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     8
> EndSubSection
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     15
> EndSubSection
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     16
> EndSubSection
> SubSection "Display"
> Viewport   0 0
> Depth     24
> Modes     "1920x1080"
> EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Then I restart x by "startx", what I got is a zoomed region which I guess
> is 1366x768 inside the monitor, and the left region is black.)
> Please help!
> --
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