>> On every startup, on the initial {black screen, white text} I get
>> errors beginning with

>> > Mount point '/run' does not exist. Skipping mount.

>> and ending (just before it goes to X) with many (10 > n > 100) lines
>> beginning with

>> > shm_open() failed

>> I suspect this is related to having a separate /var partition, since,
>> once the box is booted and I'm logged in, I see that

>> * /run is symlinked to /var/run
> Since /run is meant to replace all temporary filesystems in RAM
> I would expect this to be other way around, ie
> /var/run to be symlinked to /run. So /run should be a tmpfs and
> /run/shm and /run/lock part of it. Also
> /dev/shm should [be] symlinked to /run/shm as well.
> Can you post your /etc/fstab and output from 'df -hl' command?

$ cat /etc/fstab
proc    /proc   proc    defaults        0       0
# /dev/sda3
UUID=81371084-8857-4621-8859-733596cf4862       /boot   ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0
# /dev/sda5
UUID=1ac01fa0-3a44-4ff9-9d9c-3634e2d7d741       swap    swap    sw      0       0
# /dev/sda6
UUID=43f3e818-1727-4c73-bead-480a413d73df       /       ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       1
# /dev/sda7
UUID=e19d7759-64d9-4371-b648-fb4a7ba9882c       /usr    ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0
# /dev/sda8
UUID=89d00ebd-7c22-4170-8cab-9e1a1273bc70       /opt    ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0
# /dev/sda9
UUID=064fea46-d50f-4e9b-b88b-af430ae667e0       /var    ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0
# /dev/sda10
UUID=0473c32c-5667-4725-8c7b-b9b931e81f54       /tmp    ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0
# /dev/sda11
UUID=575d3851-e472-45b2-be69-db4db84fedba       /home   ext4    
rw,errors=remount-ro    0       0

$ find / -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep -ve '/$' | sort | xargs du -hls 2> /dev/null
9.1M    /bin
62M     /boot
684K    /dev
30M     /etc
17G     /home
457M    /lib
5.2M    /lib32
4.0K    /lib64
16K     /lost+found
4.0K    /mnt
111M    /opt
0       /proc
4.0K    /.pulse
4.0K    /root
13M     /sbin
4.0K    /selinux
4.0K    /srv
0       /sys
72K     /tmp
4.9G    /usr
470M    /var
> Does [LMDE] still use init?

$ ps aux | fgrep init
root         1  1.7  0.0  10636   832 ?        Ss   00:08   0:01 init [2]  
me        3253  0.0  0.0   7772   708 pts/0    S+   00:10   0:00 fgrep init
$ ps aux | fgrep upstart
me        3264  0.0  0.0   7740   704 pts/0    S+   00:10   0:00 fgrep upstart
$ ps aux | fgrep systemd
me        3266  0.0  0.0   7740   704 pts/0    S+   00:10   0:00 fgrep systemd

Note LMDE != "Mint": latter now comes in several versions, of which LMDE
is one.

$ lsb_release -ds
Linux Mint Debian Edition
$ cat /etc/debian_version 
$ uname -rv
3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 28 09:07:26 UTC 2012

Your assistance is appreciated, Tom Roche <>

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