Amit <> writes:

> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpopescu <at>> writes:
>> On Lu, 26 nov 12, 22:33:51, Amit wrote:
>> > 
>> > Yes, I basically want to avoid even the root user (or process with root
>> > privileges) to able to access this. So the kernel has to be replaced in
>> > order to disable the "write protect" on that USB port.
>> > 
>> > It is more of a guarantee that there can be no accidental write on that
>> > device plugged in to that port.
>> There is no guarantee besides removing the device from the port[1]. Even 
>> if you were to remove write support from the usb-storage module (or 
>> whatever part of the kernel is responsible for that), one can still 
>> accidentally boot another kernel.
>> [1] and if you're worried about data corruption this is still not enough
>> What exactly are you trying to achieve? Maybe we can suggest better 
>> ways.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrei
> Thanks for the response.
> This is more of a personal use case. That is, I end up analyzing hard
> drives using the regular Linux tools (hdparm, datadump, etc.) and my own
> custom C programs that simply open /dev/sd[x] and read and analyze data.
> Now, for example, there have been cases where I accidentaly (as root),
> do a dd and overwrite a portion of the drive I was analyzing/reading from.
> So by modifying the kernel to disable writes to this port, I can give
> myself a personal guarantee that no matter what I or the programs I have
> written do, no writes will get through.
> I am aware I can image these drives by using dd and then analyzing the
> dd image. However, I would like to avoid this if possible. The main
> reason is because my current system has very limited hard drive space
> and is quite slow (500MHz G4 PPC).
> I hope this use case makes sense.

There is a blockdev command with a --setro option in the util-linux
package.  You can modify your udev rules to run this command when the
device is plugged in.


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