On Wednesday 28 November 2012 10:09:42 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-11-28 at 15:55 +0530, J. B wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > 
> > My box is configured to the local time zone from beginning, both hwclock
> > and system time. But linux always favor hwclock to UTC. What is the
> > advantage of doing that ?
Your hwclock stays put and daylight saving and latitude is managed by tzdata 
to show local time. File time-stamps are set to local time, however.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The document distinguishes between a Linux-only-system and a double-boot-
system with MS Windows.

In the case of double boot you should set hwclock to local time, as mentioned 
in the document, or follow the advice by Andrei Popescu and set hwclock to UTC 
and let WIndows also show UTC. That is useful for radio amateurs who log their 
activity in UTC anyway.

> > 
> > If I need my hwclock to UTC then what should be the right way to do that
> > ? I have followed "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" and found it has changed the
> > local time to UTC too. Confused .....
Well, J.B. you did something wrong then.
Please show us exactly which steps you did - command by command. Did you set 
hwclock in the BIOS and then rebooted or did you use "hwclock -u"?

Please show us:
"hwclock -r"
"date -u"

contents of:

Then we might be able to find out where the snag lies.

> The Linux has to know if the hwclock does use UTC or not and then it
> will set up the clock, when running a Linux to the correct time for your
> timezone. IOW you only have to inform what time hwclock does use.
hwclock --utc
> I'm living in Germany, if my hwclock would use UTC time, then saving
> e.g. BIOS settings, would add a wrong time to the files. So I can't see
> an advantage in using UTC. I'm using local time for the hwclock.
Well, Ralf, that wasn't exactly the setting of the OP or was it?
Why do you think that the file creation time is set to UTC and not local time 
unless your system time is UTC too?
File timestamps are set according to system time - always, or did I miss 

hwclock --systohc --utc

username@hostname:~$ touch filetimetest
username@hostname:~$ ls -la |grep timetest
-rw-r--r--   1 user group        0 Nov 28 11:42 filetimetest
username@hostname:~$ date -u
Wed Nov 28 14:43:01 UTC 2012
username@hostname:~$ date
Wed Nov 28 11:43:03 PYST 2012

Kind regards

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