Ross Boylan wrote:
> I have a diskless workstation running testing, and although
> its /etc/fstab is
> /dev/nfs       /               nfs defaults 0 0
> none           /tmp            tmpfs defaults 0 0
> none           /var/run        tmpfs defaults 0 0
> none           /var/lock       tmpfs defaults 0 0
> none           /var/tmp        tmpfs defaults 0 0
> none           /media          tmpfs defaults 0 0
>        /mnt/usr/local nfs defaults 0 0
>      /usr/local/var/media   nfs defaults 0 0
> The root fs is mounted correctly (during the boot sequence, before it
> gets to fstab), but the other 2 NFS filesystems are not.  I can mount
> them manually once the system is up.

Does sound like a timing issue.  Instead of "defaults" try using "bg"
to retry in the background.  Not what you want long term but perhaps a
good debug point.

> Can anyone suggest why the NFS automount is not working, or what to do
> about it?
> I have a theory that the mounts are supposed to happen when the network
> device comes up; the regular network up routines are not triggered to
> avoid screwing up the root fs.  /etc/network/interfaces has
> # The primary network interface
> # do not bring up interface twice--PXE already did it
> #allow-hotplug eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> Is my theory correct?

Perhaps.  My nfs diskless system has nothing at all in the
/etc/network/interfaces file.  But I don't have NetworkManager
installed either.  (And I am not mounting additional mount points.
Will try a test as soon as I get on the console of it.)

I don't think dhcp is what you want.  You might try "manual".

  iface eth0 inet manual


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