Am Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012 schrieb Hans-J. Ullrich:
> Hi Martin, 

Hi Hans,

> > We had it in debian-user-german to an almost unbearable extent. Please
> > read some of the recent threads there.
> > 
> > Thus please forgive me when this starts getting on my nerves.
> > 
> > I may better try to stay away from this thread from now on.
> > 
> > 
> Thanks for your long answer. Well, please don't be angry of my questions. I 
> know, it might be annoying. However, I tried to switch to multiarch, and of 
> course, I understood things. 
> But I also have to admit, that it was not quite easy, to switch to. I 
> learned, 
> that there are still a lot of dependency problems, as multiarch is still on 
> the way and new. And do not tell, there are none!  
> However, I found meanmwhile a solution for me, but besides this, let me also 
> explain, what things occur.
> 1. Adding i386 repo wanted to deinstall ia32-libs. Ok, I did and installed 
> many 32-bit libs. Soi far so well. During the update it did googleearth and 
> skype. 
> Ok, I build a new googleearth package, but oh wonder, it needs ia32-libs-*. 
> So 
> I had to reinstall this package again. Yes, dependency problem!
> apt-get -f install reinstalled the needed libs again for googleearth.
> The same with the skxpe package (I installed the latest amd64-version) and 
> needed several amd64-libs, too and - ia32-libs.
> But it was not over! I then wnated to install nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx, 
> and BOTH, 64-bit and 32-bit version. I installed it with DKMS, you know the 
> way. BUT, the libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386 wants to deinstall libxvmc4 
> amd64-version 
> (as far as I remember), and doing so, mplayer and some other applications, 
> which depend on the amd64-version, are also going to deinstalled. 

Without any output of the commands you tried I won´t comment further on this.


Cause I do not like to speculate about the possible causes.

Debian Wheezy and more so Sid are *work in progress*,

multiarch or not.

And sometimes it can happen that package versions don´t match.

For an exact analysis what you told above lacks the necessary detail.

So in case you have a real problem, provide the detail.

Otherwise I do see it as a waste of my energy to deal with it.

> So don't tell me, that there are no dependency problems. There are! 
> Please notice: I understand, that multiarch work is still in process. I 
> understand, things must not work perfectly at the moment! I understand, 
> developers have not much time to fix things at once! I understand, 
> developers, 
> have a private life! And notice, everything, I pointed at, must NEVER be 
> fixed 
> at once. There must even not to be a solution at once! 
> I understand and accept everything in debian. But I do not accept, to tell 
> me, 
> I do not understand things, when there ARE problems. I read the wiki, I 
> understood the wiki, but when there are things not ok, no one should be 
> blamed 
> to tell it.

Hans, honestly, fron reading the thread up to replying to your mail, I got
the impression that you *didn´t* understand multi arch. I stand to my
impression cause up to the mail I answered too, I found statements from you
that IMHO *clearly* showed the lack of understanding of the basic concepts
behind multiarch.

If you understand it nonetheless and my impression does not match your
actual understanding, fine. If you understood it later in the thread,
also fine.

But if you want to make Debian developers aware of real problems with
multiarch, use:


Be concrete and concise and include all necessary information.

Writing threads with a subject of

multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

and the tone as you did, does not help to fix any *real* problems that may
still exist in Debian Wheezy regarding multi arch.

Debian Wheezy is *still* in development and

*no one*, simply *no one* forces you to use it.

If in your impression multi arch is still too unstable for you, then

1) either stick with Debian Squeeze, until Debian Wheezy is declared stable,

2) or better help with *reporting* bugs.

Moaning on this mailinglist without giving concrete, ideally reproducable
details in my eyes is just venting frustration and wasting energy.

(Thread set to ignore in KMail, better for me, I think.)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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