Gary Roach wrote:
> The restore problem is a long story. Lets just say that what i've
> got is all I'm going to get.

Ouch.  Sorry to hear.  But good to hear that things have moved forward
for you.

> Things have changed since I started this thread. I found a really
> good missive at:

Interesting.  I almost agree with some of that. :-)

> that got me through the problem. The only package that couldn't be
> fixed was This package is not
> essential. I purged this one and now have a clean system.

And of course you can always re-install anything you want too.

It seems to me that you must have tried to backup restore the system
part of your system.  I am not opposing that in principal but in
practice I don't usually try to do it that way.  For next time let me
suggest an alternative way to recover.

Instead I try to make sure I backup all of the locally created data
(such as /home and /usr/local) and all of the local configuration
(such as /etc and /var/backups) and then when I restore I actually
install a new image from scratch.  Then onto the new image I restore
the data (/home) and then move to the more difficult part of restoring
the system installed components.  I will merge in the accounts from
the old /etc/passwd and group files and then re-install all of the
packages that were installed previously.  Record of those is kept in
/var/backups and I have written about how to get the list of
installed packages from there before.  Install the list.  Restore the
previous configuration from the old /etc.  Restart and eventually
reboot to the restored system.  It isn't trivial but it isn't too
difficult either.  It works.

> I do have a major problem with KDE desktop icons now but that needs
> further investigation an maybe a topic for another thread.

If it is a failed restore issue then what I would try to do is to
determine what package includes those icons, purge that package,
re-install that package.  Or perhaps hit it with a larger club by
purging all of kde, verifying that everything related has been
removed, and then re-installing all of kde.  If something didn't
restore correctly then giving that package a fresh install should make
it good again.

Good luck!


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