Kelly Clowers grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Aptitude is nice, but it only does one fraction of what YAST does.
> I am not sure of the full extent of YAST, but besides
> installation/removal of software, it does at least account management,
> service management/configuration (DNS, mail, etc) and firewall
> configuration. It a bit like Webmin or AIX's SMIT (YAST has a TUI mode
> and a GUI mode like SMIT/SMITTY; no web interface). I do not know of
> anything like it in Debian since webmin was removed.

When exactly was webmin removed?

> $ aptitude show webmin
> Package: webmin
> New: yes
> State: installed
> Automatically installed: no
> Version: 1.610
> Priority: optional
> Section: admin
> Maintainer: Jamie Cameron <>
> Uncompressed Size: 133 M
> Depends: perl, libnet-ssleay-perl, openssl, libauthen-pam-perl, 
> libpam-runtime, libio-pty-perl, apt-show-versions, python
> PreDepends: perl
> Replaces: webmin-adsl, webmin-apache, webmin-bandwidth, webmin-bind, 
> webmin-burner, webmin-cfengine, webmin-cluster, webmin-core, webmin-cpan, 
> webmin-dhcpd,
>           webmin-exim, webmin-exports, webmin-fetchmail, webmin-firewall, 
> webmin-freeswan, webmin-frox, webmin-fsdump, webmin-grub, webmin-heartbeat,
>           webmin-htaccess, webmin-inetd, webmin-jabber, 
> webmin-ldap-netgroups, webmin-ldap-user-simple, webmin-ldap-useradmin, 
> webmin-lilo, webmin-logrotate,
>           webmin-lpadmin, webmin-lvm, webmin-mailboxes, webmin-mon, 
> webmin-mysql, webmin-nis, webmin-openslp, webmin-postfix, webmin-postgresql, 
> webmin-ppp,
>           webmin-pptp-client, webmin-pptp-server, webmin-procmail, 
> webmin-proftpd, webmin-pserver, webmin-quota, webmin-samba, webmin-sarg, 
> webmin-sendmail,
>           webmin-shorewall, webmin-slbackup, webmin-smart-status, 
> webmin-snort, webmin-software, webmin-spamassassin, webmin-squid, 
> webmin-sshd, webmin-status,
>           webmin-stunnel, webmin-updown, webmin-usermin, webmin-vgetty, 
> webmin-webalizer, webmin-wuftpd, webmin-wvdial, webmin-xinetd
> Description: web-based administration interface for Unix systems
>  Using Webmin you can configure DNS, Samba, NFS, local/remote filesystems
>  and more using your web browser.  After installation, enter the URL
>  https://localhost:10000/ into your browser and login as root with your root
>  password.

Seems to be there on my system (squeeze 6.0.6).... :-)


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