On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 10:09:32PM -0800, Vaibhav Niku wrote:

> pdf2ps, which is a frontend to gs, inserts a copyright notice in all PS files 
> it produces. I am using `GPL Ghostscript 8.71 (2010-02-10)'. Files look like 
> this:
> %!PS-Adobe-3.0
> ...
> %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 871 (pswrite)
> ...
> %%BeginProlog
> % This copyright applies to everything between here and the %%EndProlog:
> % Copyright (C) 2010 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
> %%BeginResource: procset GS_pswrite_2_0_1001 1.001 0
> ...
> %%EndProlog
> ...
> %%EOF
> (Needless to say, the files are corrupted if you delete the Prolog stuff.)

To be fair to Artifex Software, it is only the prolog they are claiming
copyright on, none of the actual content.


I brake for chezlogs!

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