From: Ralf Mardorf []
> Just my personal preference.
> I switched to Xfce, but I'm still using applications from bloated DEs I
> used in the past, IOW I still use KDE and GNOME apps.
> By doing this I run into serious issues on latest Xubuntu. I guess the
> apps are more up-to-date versions, than used on Debian.
> On FreeBSD everythng was ok, but today finished an update and now I've
> got
> some of those issues I know from my Linux installs, for FreeBSD too.
> It will be very hard for me, but I'll try to drop as much GNOME and KDE
> apps as possible.
> We already have a KDE3 fork and IIRC 2 GNOME 2 forks, I guess a GNOME 3
> fallback mode fork only will split the manpower and make it hard to
> maintain package compatibility between the original DEs and their forks.
> It's my personal opinion, that it won't archive anything good, since the
> apps we like to use, depend to the policies of those bloated DEs.

Have you not tried MATE, then?  MATE is the fork of GNOME 2, and they have 
renamed EVERYTHING, and  managed to make it easy for it and Gnome 3 to coexist. 
 Most Gnome apps just need gtk (2 or 3) to run, and don't necessarily need all 
of Gnome in order to be used.  Of course, quite a few of them don't make any 
sense outside the context of Gnome.  Anyway, MATE is maturing fast, and it's 
currently pretty nifty.  The objection some Debian people have to it is code 
duplication, but I don't see that as a big deal.  As long as it has 
maintainers, it will be viable, and an awful lot of people really hate Gnome 3.

I also note that Debian has added Cinnamon.  And has had the alpha and beta 
versions of Enlightenment e17 for *years*.

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