Please keep on list!

>> The Question is, what you mean with "view the captured content".
> As I said before, for example, the text I send to a web site
> filling a form.

- google for a beginners guide how to use Wireshark and read !!!
- Install Wireshark on your client PC where you fill the form
(available for Linux and Windows).
- Start Wireshark, select the proper interface and start capture.
- Fill out your form on your web client and send it to the webserver
- Stop capturing on Wireshark and
- look/search for the packages who carry the information and see

Wireshark is able to decode a lot of protocols ...

> Or a password I send when authorizing (when plain).
- same as above

> In wire shark I saw that in RT.
> Can tcpdump show that?

- tcpdump is a online tool how capture and display the packages. But
you should only use it if you understand what you do.
- tcpdump can write all necessary packages in a file and later, you
can read and decode it with Wireshark.
If you want use tcpdump, you can do this on (web) server and/or web client, eg.:
tcpdump -i any -s0 -w /tmp/mycapturefile.pcap or
tcpdump port 80 -i any -s0 -w /tmp/mycapturefile.pcap # with filter

Please read the manual before you asking next!


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