Markos wrote:
> I'm trying to configure the services NIS+NFS in a small network (7 PCs),
> all running Squeeze.

Okay.  Sounds good.

> The NIS service seems to be working


> but NFS don't mounts the /home partition on the clients during boot.

Focus only on the NFS part of the debugging.  Do not be distracted by
the NIS/yp part.  They may work together in supporting roles but they
are completely independent subsystems.

> But I can manually mount the /home partition on the clients with the
> command:
> mount /home


> I found the strange message in dmesg:
> svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)

I am unfamiliar with that error and searching didn't turn up anything
for certain either.

> How can I discover what is wrong?

Almost always the information will be logged in /var/log/syslog and
hopefully there will be clues there.  Start by looking there.

Thanks for including much information.  However the file I am
interested in is /etc/network/interfaces.  The new device way is to
support a hotpluggable event driven system.  That may be incompatible
with the traditional nfs mounted home directory environment.
Specifically you probably have this:

  allow-hotplug eth0

Try changing that line to:

  auto eth0

Then instead of using the new event driven control flow at boot time
it will use the old legacy start-at-boot time control flow.  This will
also re-enable use of 'service networking restart' as one of the
working ways to restart the network.

If the problem isolates itself to just that change then please file a
bug with the details.  I happen to be running with 'auto' for other
reasons and nis/yp with nfs mounted home direcotries is working fine
for me.

> In file /etc/fstab I included the line
> /home nfs 
> rw,bg,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,hard,nointr,nolock,noac,timeo=600,user,auto 
> 0 0

Secondly I would test it without the 'bg' option in the /etc/fstab.
This is a philosophical issue but if the machine needs /home to be
useful then I believe it should wait for it to be available before
presenting a login to a user.  Otherwise the user will be confused
that they can log in but don't have a home directory.

> echo + >> /etc/passwd
> echo + >> /etc/group
> echo + >> /etc/shadow
> echo + >> /etc/gshadow

I know that is the legacy way but personally these days I prefer to
use this configuration instead.  It is simpler.

In /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

  passwd:         files nis
  group:          files nis
  shadow:         files nis


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