On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 03:56:39PM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> a friend just asked me about a shell script she's trying to write.
> she's got a file that looks like this:
>   blah blah thi. blah thi. blah blah
>   blah thi. blah thi. blah blah blah
> &c. -- lots of "thi."s in there.
> she's trying something equivalent to:
>   word1=thi.;
>   word2=this;
>   sed 's/$word1/$word2/g' file > file.new;

Try using double quotes, ie:

        sed "s/$word1/$word2/g" file > file.new;

and thank Colin Watson for answering this sort of question 
so many times ;-)

> and it doesn't replace.
> i can replicate this from the command line.  the only way i can make
> it work is to type out
>   sed 's/thi./this/g' file > file.new;
> escaping the period in $word1 does nothing.
> are we just misunderstarding the sed command somehow?  otherwise,
> afa[we]k, this is totally weird ...
> thanks,
> </nori>
> -- 
>     .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
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