Marc Shapiro wrote:
> Erwan David wrote:
> >I'd rather use gdebi for installing skype thus
> >gdebi skype-install.deb will install skype and the libraries it depends on.
> I managed to install gdebi and tried to use it to install icaclient.
> Unfortunately, after installing all of the required i386 libs it
> then complained that it could not find nspluginwrapper. Apparently,
> nspluginwrapper is available for Squeeze, but not Wheezy.

It was removed.  Here is the removal trail:

> So I grabbed the .deb for Squeeze and tried to install it using
> gdebi.  It then wanted to uninstall galculator, lxde and 15 other
> packages.  Why should it care about lxde?!?  It also wants to
> install ia32-libs!!!  The whole point of multi-arch, I thought, is
> to eliminate ia32-libs.

Multi-arch wasn't available in Squeeze.  I didn't unravel the
dependencies but undoubted the squeeze version of the nspluginwrapper
package depends upon ia32-libs and that conflicts with anything from
the later Wheezy that depends upon multi-arch.  So trying to install
nspluginwrapper pushes out anything that depends upon multiarch.  But
lxde depends upon galculator.  But I don't know why galculator would
have been pushed out.

> How do I get icaclient to work in Wheezy, using multi-arch without
> nspluginwrapper available.  Since I need icaclient to connect to
> work, if I can not get this to work then I will have to stick with
> Squeeze unless and until Citrix decides to release a REAL AMD64
> version of icaclient.

One more example of closed source software being an obstacle.

First, I don't know.  I wanted to comment upon the ia32-lib
dependency.  I also want to suggest a chroot.  But since I don't know
about the Citrix icaclient I must add this disclaimer first. :-)

Personally I would create a Squeeze chroot and run the Squeeze version
of this from the chroot on the host Wheezy system.  I have to do that
myself with a different work vpn client.


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