Thanks for the encouragement, Hugo, but I'm not real keen on freeware. Open 
source is great, but free generally means not good and not supported - and a 
user forum is not support. My experience has been with Firefox and Thunderbird.

Okay, here's my plan:
Linux - Mainly for WWW browsing & email.
Windows XP - For engineering applications & games - no networking at all.

Either multiboot, or VMware player with Linux host/WinXP client.

Comments? Advice? KISS.

Ciao - Mark.

On 2013/2/24 6:52 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Mark Filipak wrote:
For end of the fullpath, search for '[^\/]*$'
For end of the fullpath that begins with 'm', search for 'm[^\/]*$'

Caveats: I don't know perl & I don't use apt-file & I don't use linux. (I lurk 
the Debian list because I'm considering trying Debian.) My knowledge is javascript. The 
patterns above work.

Go ahead. Do it. Debian is great!


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