Csanyi Pal wrote:
> Bob Proulx writes:
> > You can purge and re-install packages.  But that may not be the same
> > as a clean installation.  It is much easier to simply create a clean
> > chroot and install there.
> I created a clean chroot by running the following commands in a
> directory called '/debian-adatok-1/Chroot/':
> $ cd /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/
> $ sudo debootstrap --arch amd64 wheezy .
> $ sudo chroot /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/
> $ sudo mount -o bind /dev /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/dev/
> $ sudo mount -o bind /proc /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/proc/

The bind mounts would need to happen before the chroot command.  You
would get errors otherwise so I assume you did that anyway.  Or in a
different terminal.

> Then I installed vuze in chroot environment by running the command:
> aptitude install vuze
> Is this an install of vuze in clean chroot?

Yes!  That should work nicely.

If the application is an X application then very likely you will need
to bind mount /home and /tmp too.

  sudo mount -o bind /home /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/home
  sudo mount -o bind /tmp /debian-adatok-1/Chroot/tmp

If there is any problem opening an X window then investigate the
setting of $XAUTHORITY which is sometimes mangled by window session
managers.  The file it points to must be available.  Also the
/tmp/.X11-unix/ must be available too.


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