So you cannot reproduce the bug, right?

Em 04-03-2013 12:59, Mark Filipak escreveu:
Thank you all. I've learned a lot here. I did manage to get Debian installed, though it was through a side door that was opened by Debian Live. I'm grateful for that. I will continue to look for a Linux with which I can live.

In private messages with some list members I advocated for focus testing. I now realize that this list *is* the focus test. That's too bad as I expect most of the list doesn't know or want that.

Since this list is not attended by developers, I'll minimize my bandwidth load by being brief.

Should anyone want my focus test conclusions regarding Debian, I'd be happy to document them, but lacking at least one request from a serious maintainer (or a developer if one should emerge), I'll not waste my time on something that doesn't have a ready and attentive audience.

Also, if anyone has a suggestion on which Linux tribe I should join, I'd welcome it. I believe you all have my email address.

I want a Linux system so I can remove networking from Windows XP. I don't trust Windows and when XP loses support next year, I'll be cut off. So I want to use Linux as a computer-hostable Internet appliance. Understand, that's the only use I will make of Linux, at least for the foreseeable future. I'll continue to use Windows XP for engineering and other projects, only as an isolated operating system without networking.

I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If tomorrow Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it currently is, this list would be flooded by people exactly like me.

Regards, Ciao, and Good Luck - Mark.

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