Hello debian users, 
I am trying to understand an issue i'm having with preseed'ing debian install 
over the network. wondering if anyone has experienced this in the past and/or 
have a solution to it. 
My pxeboot server (running on centos 6.3) runs dhcpd and tftp from where I'm 
trying to boot and install debian 6.0.7 on the client machine.  I’m able to get 
past the questions on locale, keyboard etc. by using the kernel boot parameters 
on 'append' line in my pxelinux file. At the end of the list on ‘append’ line, 
I also have a ‘preseed/url=http://mywebserver/path/to/preseed.cfg’ to get my 
preseed.cfg from an internal web server.The issue I’m having is, after the 
installer correctly sets the locale, keyboard etc as specified on the 'append' 
line, it just appears to ignore my ‘preseed/url’ parameter and moves on to 
display the main menu to choose a mirror site (‘ftp.us.debian.org’, etc.).
I can see preseed.cfg being fetched by the installer (as seen in 
httpd/access.log on the pxeboot server) but it is not really being read by the 
I wonder if the reason is some kind of a network delay in GET’ting the file by 
when the installer decides to just move on and show the menu to choose the 
mirror (?). I'm not sure.. I have spent many hours to understand this issue but 
without any success.
I really appreciate any feedback, ideas or suggestions that you may have.

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