Bob Proulx wrote:
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> > Installation iso on a CD or flash drive as desired.  ( target iso
> > size is ~100MB, smaller if possible)
> AFAIK Debian CD#1 is the smallest fully standalone install supported.
> But at the time that you are committed to booting from cdrom then
> might as well commit to a fully populated cdrom.  In for a penny, in
> for a pound.  I am sure there are contributed installation media that
> are smaller and standalone.  Anyone could put in the effort to create one.

Tom H poked me that the netinst image can be used without a network.
It is 168M and much smaller than the full CD#1.  I just did an install
test using it in Expert mode and was able to verify that it is indeed
possible to use the smaller netinst image on a system without a
network.  Using Expert mode and manual selections it was possible to
install and avoid seeing any errors.

At this point I can only assume that it is possible to use netinst
image with the appropriate preseeds for an automated installation.  I
haven't tried it.  Seems like it should work okay.

Thanks Tom for the prodding! :-)

> > What is intentionally not installed at this point is any network
> > connectivity,
> You could add "iface eth0 inet manual" to the /etc/network/interfaces
> file after install as a local customization.  I don't really see the
> point though.  If you don't want networking then don't attach a
> network cable to the system.

My test installation without any network did not need any special
configuration at this point to operate without a network.

The resulting small installation consumed 356M of disk space with the
default installation.  There are opportunities to remove packages to
make this even smaller.  But that isn't bad for a general default.


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