Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
Richard Owlett <> writes:

Roger Leigh wrote:
On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 05:42:32AM -0700, sting wing wrote:
Question: how does a person know if their /dev is a static or dynamic /dev

% findmnt /dev
/dev   devtmpfs devtmpfs rw,size=249844k,nr_inodes=62461,mode=755

Unless you have taken very special steps to avoid it, you will
always have a dynamic /dev.  This has been the case for many
many years now.  udev uses a tmpfs mounted on /dev (and more
recently a devtmpfs mounted on /dev).

If there's nothing mounted on /dev, then you will have a static
/dev.  However, if using Linux, the chances of having a static
/dev on a contemporary system are vanishingly small--you'd have
to intentionally alter the boot scripts to avoid a dynamic /dev.

What does it mean when /dev is said to be static? dynamic?
What should I be reading about?

Many years ago, /dev was a directory containing entries called "special
files" (which essentially meant mappings from filenames to device
drivers).  It was the responsibility of the system administrator to make
sure that any time a device was added, a corresponding special file was
added to /dev.  In such a system, /dev is static.

In a modern system, /dev doesn't physically exist on disk at all:  it's
a special kind of filesystem that lives only in the memory of the
computer, called a tmpfs (temporary filesystem).  Daemons detect what
hardware is available, and automatically create the right special files
in this filesystem.  This is a dynamic /dev.

Thank you Joe and Kevin.

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