I'm running an up-to-date Debian Squeeze 64-bit on a laptop.  It's usually
been stable, as I might expect from Debian Stable.  From time to time,
though, it freezes at seemingly random times.  I notice it mostly when I'm
typing and the keyboard stops responding, but I'm not sure it always
freezes while typing.  I can't do anything at that point, not even select a
virtual console.

I can't find an Alt-SysReq key on the laptop keyboard to kill it
semi-gracefully, so I kill it with the power button.

When I reboot, it usually boots partway and then freezes again.  It's
almost always just after it's said it's starting gdm3, checking battery
status, or starting ACPI.

Getting past that point is challenging.  I've tried disconnecting the power
and taking out the battery, but that rarely helps.  What usually helps is
to boot into Windows (W7, if it matters) and then shut down and boot into
Debian.  Sometimes it seems to help to pull the battery for a bit, too.
 Sometimes neither seem to help, and so I keep trying combinations until it

Does that sound at all familiar?  If so, is there a solution (either to
keep it from freezing or to recover more rapidly after freezing)?  What
data (log file, I presume) do you need to help me find and fix the prroblem?



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