On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 02:28:14AM -0400, songbird wrote:
>   when cutting and pasting from evince
> to a terminal the process is translating
> a "um" into a "mm"  which is a signifcant
> change for a technical document.
>   the source document used was downloaded from:
> "http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130425/srep01732/pdf/srep01732.pdf";
>   search for the phrase
> "particle size between 200–500 um"
>   and copy and paste it to any text terminal, 
> vi'd document, or even LibreOffice doc.  all
> do the same thing and translate it from um to
> mm.
>   so if someone can replicate this it would
> help.  if not, then i'd be stumped because
> i have no familiarity with cut and paste 
> underpinnings...

I suspect the problem is the source document. What you're reading as
"200-500 μm", is actually (if I can 'translate' to HTML for clarity)
"200-500 <font family="symbol">m</font>m". That is, the first character
of the units is actually a lower-case M, but shown in a greek or symbol
font, such that it is rendered like a Mu.

I suspect that, if you want to fix this, you either need to convert the
PDF with a sensible converter (try the pdf tools in debian;
poppler-utils for example) or talk to the authors of the paper and see
if you can get a copy of the source (maybe there was a Word or TeX
document that it was written up in).

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