On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Dan Hitt <dan.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> Instead, i want to devote a small partition to the project: i would
> like to ideally place just an iso image on the partition, but i guess
> it could be larger, but no more than a few G.  I would like to then
> install from the iso partition to a different, larger partition, on
> the same disk.  So the target would not be the whole disk, but just
> part of it.  The nature of the iso partition wouldn't matter too much
> to me (although it would be super cool if it could be an iso in a
> filesystem of some partition with a real os on it).
> ...

(I hope I'm doing this right...this is one of the first times I've used a
mailing list)

A few thoughts come to mind:
1. Use debootstrap to create a minimal debian install on a separate
partition.  This way, it would also be rw (iso can only be ro).
2. I believe grub(2) has a way to boot from an iso file.  Here's some info
on it (check comments for command line method):
3. "Burn" the iso to a partition like you would a usb stick, and update
grub to boot from that partition.

I hope that helps!


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