I have a problem connection from thin clients (old machines) to server
using xdmcp ( connection thru X using  port 6000 and 6001),
with previous debian 6.0.7, mint 13,   I had problem,
with recent distro mint 14 or 15 , debian 7, I have  connection pb
I suspect a conflit ???   between ipv6 and ipv6 ?  may be my old machines
don't understand this protocol ?

I want to test mint15 with just ipv4, I want to force ipv4  on the mdm
manager ( gnome-like)  where to do it ??
here is the output for open port

netstat  -nau |grep 177
udp6       0      0 :::177                  :::*
netstat  -nat |grep 6000
tcp        0      0  *
tcp6       0      0 :::6000                 :::*                    LISTEN

no port open on ipv4     udp ??
thanks for help

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