----- Original Message -----
From: Lisi Reisz
Sent: 05/20/13 04:47 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Odd Network Problem

On Monday 20 May 2013 00:15:30 george cox wrote: > I don't know why it wasn't 
quoted, I'm just hitting re > ply in the email providers web interface. Not 
sure what you mean by no > air. I'll see what this email looks like when I send 
this one, maybe it was > just a fluke. Yes, some providers do that. And my 
email to you has been rammed up all together. It is obviously a problem with 
your email provider. :-( By “air” I mean gaps, as between paragraphs. I find 
text all crammed up very difficult to read - indeed I had difficulty 
unscrambling your reply to me in order to acknowledge it. Which email 
provider's web interface is this? It seems even more than usually unfriendly. 
:-( And most of them are fairly uncooperative. E.g. Gmail's habit of breaking 
up threads is a pain. Lisi The provider is mail.com, which is free as is free 
beer, and perhaps not a good quality beer either. The problem was that quoting 
isn't done as text, when I trimmed my reply to Klaus I destroyed all of
  the quoting. I didn't see that at the time because all that does on the 
screen is remove a very faint line on the side.

I think the one thing I would want to know about my original problem is in the 
squeeze version of gnome's network-manager, left-clicking on its notification 
area icon would, show several options one of which is "auto eth0", this seemed 
to reliably attach my laptop's ethernet port to the default network of the 
printer-server. I am curious what "auto eth0" does because neither the 
print-server nor my laptop has a dhcp-server, and neither item was connected to 
any other network. The print-server must have some magic going on in order to 
bridge equipment plugged into it to the wireless network (once the wireless 
part is configured at least), but the manual clearly says when the unit is 
reset if it can't find a dhcp server it will use the default ip. I've checked 
that neither laptop has a dhcp server installed.

The second is simply using "ifconfig eth0" (the .22 I randomly 
chose, the print-server defaults to using .102) worked on the laptop with 
squeeze installed, but didn't with the one with wheezy.


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