On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 05:20:50PM -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:
> I just purchased a 3TB disk -- my first of that size.
> I'm trying to partition it.  I want one huge ext4 filesystem.  But
> fdisk (and cfdisk) keep telling me that I can't create a partition
> larger than 2TB.
> I've thought about creating three 1TB partitions then using LVM to
> merge them into one, but that seems like over-kill.
> Has anybody got a suggestion?

If this isn't to be a boot disk, then try running pvcreate directly on
the disk itself. LVM doesn't need a partition table if it's the only
thing on the disk (it will basically act as its own partition table). I
don't know, offhand what the limitations of LVM are but I'm willing to
bet they're better than a DOS-style partition table.

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