Am 28.06.2013 19:47, schrieb Karl E. Jorgensen:
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 01:12:38PM +0100, Chris Davies wrote:
>> Frank Lanitz <> wrote:
>>> Is there a way of using a squid proxy in transparent way [...] for SSL.
>>> If I'm entering the proxy directly into
>>> e.g. Firefox it's working -- but don't got it running via transparent mode.
>> As you'll know, it's pretty straightforward to set up a transparent
>> proxy for (unencrypted) HTTP traffic. However, creating one for HTTPS/SSL
>> traffic is far harder.
>> The simplistic answer is that you can't do this. The reason here is
>> that the web browser won't issue a proxy CONNECT request unless it knows
>> there's a proxy involved. And because you've got a transparent setup it
>> doesn't know. So it tries to go directly to the target website. But you're
>> intercepting the traffic and routing it via squid, so it can't get there -
>> or else you're going to be providing an incorrect certificate.
>> There are a number of options you've got at this point.
>> 1. Prevent all SSL-based web browsing. (Probably unrealistic.)
>> 2. Create a Certificate Authority and install your CA certificate on all
>> users' web browers. Hijack tcp/443 SSL traffic as before but spoof the
>> appropriate certificate dynamically (sign it with your own CA). Decrypt
>> the traffic, route it via squid or whatever, re-encrypt it and send it
>> on to the target host. (Probable privacy concerns with this option.)
>> 3. Abandon the transparent approach. Block all tcp/80 and tcp/443 access
>> except via your proxy. Provide a wpad configuration file that people will
>> find by enabling "auto configure", and have this instruct web browsers
>> to use your proxy. (Recommended solution.)
>> 3a. As for #3 but also continue to hijack tcp/80 and tcp/443, pointing
>> them to a static page that explains how to enable automatic configuration.
>> If you really want/need to force all traffic via your proxy I'd recommend
>> you seriously consider option 3/3a.
> I just realised: there is a 4th (or is that 5th?) option: policy based
> routing. 
> By default the IP routing is done solely based on destination IP
> address. With policy based routing, you can base the routing decisions
> on other things too - e.g. source IP address, port numbers etc.
> This would allow you to route e.g. https traffic (identified by being
> TCP + port 443) e.g. through a VPN and (hopefully) being SNATed at the
> other end without sending ALL traffic to that destination.  Assuming
> correct NATing (where applicable), this should be completely
> transparent to browsers and other apps.
> This link may be handy:

Sounds like a nice idea. Will give it a try. Was already thinking about
a NAT-box inside the network of 2nd side.


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