I use ssh to connect and create tunnels, then a simple "x11vnc
-display :0" to startup the server.

If you need to stay on windows, search the web for "easy ssh tunnels
putty". vnc is not a secure protocol so don't rely on just setting a
password if you are accessing from faraway-pc.


Luther Blisset

I challenge you to play the game in which there is no loser but
everything is fun and worthwhile!

--- Begin Message ---
On 13Jul01:1518-0400, Art Huston wrote:

> I'm looking for the simplest, quickest way to setup VNC Server so I can
> access my Debian machine from Windows. There are a number of ways found on
> the web -- is there a best practice?

I use "ss vs" in one terminal, then "ss vv" in a second to establish
the session, no VNC daemon needed.  The stripped down (untested) ss script:

  ii=`cat /etc/iip | tr -d '\012'`      # get my home's ISP Internet IP
  if [ "$1" = '' -o "$1" = '-h' -o "$1" = '--help' ]
  then cat <<EOHELP
        Syntax: ss vs | vv
        vs invokes ssh to establish VNC service to the server
        vv connects to the VNC service established by the vs option
  else case "$1" in
       ( vs ) ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 $USER.@$ii                  \
                "x11vnc -usepw -localhost -display :0 -noxdamage"       ;;
       ( vv ) vncviewer localhost:0                                     ;;

During ss vs you will be prompted for passphrases and/or
passwords needed to connect to your target server and establish the
port-forwarding ssh connection.  During ss vv you will be prompted
for the VNC password on your target system if you configured one.

BTW, another script is fired off by the server's cron every minute
to get the leased ISP IP address from the router and update /etc/iip
when the lease changes (it also reconfigures the MTA and sends out
emails telling me of the change so I can update /etc/iip on my remote
system that runs the ss script.
<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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