On 03/07/13 20:26, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd appreciate some advice, please. I'm sure this has come up before,
> but despite Googling, can't find it right now, so if anyone has a link,
> that would help.
> My main development system here basically runs Squeeze/KDE, but with a
> lot of packages added, mostly from the repositories, but also some from
> elsewhere, which for the purposes of this exercise can be ignored.
> In particular, I have a somewhat special choice of perl module packages,
> from the repository.
> I'm now building a new box on which I want to install Wheezy, but with
> the identical set of packages (where appropriate) as my squeeze box, so
> there won't be any surprises when I switch my work to the new box.
> So my outline plan is to do a standard netinst for wheezy on the new
> box, and then wave a magic wand to get it to install all the missing
> packages. All I'm missing is the magic wand.
> I'm hoping that all I need is to copy one or more files from the squeeze
> box onto the wheezy box, which will tell apt what needs installing, but
> my apt-fu is lacking.
> Does anyone here have experience/knowledge of this process?

(there is a tiny problem with apache2, not so tiny ones with dovecot).

Known to work with backports, x2go, and other additional sources.  My
builds are KDE or LXDE. Not tested with multimedia or mixed releases.

> All help much appreciated!

# apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

You may wish to remove (and purge) any packages marked deinstall
also check:- dpkg --audit | more; dpkg --get-selections | grep hold |
more;apt-get -sf install | more

# tar zcvf - /etc ~/belt_squeeze.etc.tar.gz
# dpkg --get-selection > ~/squeeze_selections
# sed -i "s#squeeze#wheezy#g" /etc/apt/sources.list
# tar zcvf - /etc ~/suspenders_squeeze.apt.tar.gz

*Do read the release notes for your architecture, take it's advice over

Backup belt and suspender from /root
Use net install to build *basic* Wheezy box (standard system, +laptop
*if* necessary, initrd for detected hardware only, firmware as needed)
Then restore the archives to root
Extract the archives

(Suggested) script -f ~/install_alzheimers

# dpkg --set-selections < ~/squeeze_selections
# apt-get -u dselect-upgrade

If you get:-
dpkg: warning: package not in database at line $n $packageName

# apt-get install dselect;dselect access;dselect update;apt-get

NOTE: if it breaks - you get to keep both bits

Kind regards

Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to Debian questions:-

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