On Jo, 11 iul 13, 07:12:35, Wilko Fokken wrote:
> The following lines explain, what should be done in order to get the dot
> files out of the way into a subdirectory.

You included lots of unrelated customizations, see below.

> The dot files of root  go into subdir "/root/"

Err, aren't they already there by default?

> The dot files of users go into subdir "/home/$HOME/.rc/"

I'd go for /home/$user/.config (the default XDG directory). 
> HowTo get Dot Files into separate Subdirs at Installation Time
> ==============================================================
> wfok...@web.de        July 11 2013    
> ( set tabwidth = 4 to view this file )
> 1.    Modify /etc/skel
>       ================
>       [from]:
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .bash_logout
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .bashrc
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .profile
>       [to]:
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bash_logout
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bashrc
>       -rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.profile
Ok, but this only affects new users. For existing accounts one has to 
move the files by hand.
>       [ these three files in .rc/ need to be edited ] :
>       -------------------------------------------------
> a)    .bash_logout:
>       -------------
>       # ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) on logout:
>       # clear screen (here = max. 24 virtual text consoles)
>       # [ enhance ## of text consoles: add entries in /etc/inittab ] 
>       case "`tty`" in
>         /dev/tty[1-9] | /dev/tty1[0-9] | /dev/tty2[0-4] ) clear
>       esac

This is not necessary for the task at hand and the default .bash_logout 
already does similar (and better, it doesn't clear *all* consoles, just 
because I logged out of one).

> b)    .bashrc:
>       --------
>       # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
>       # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files
>       . /etc/profile

See bash(1) for why this is not needed.

> c)    .profile:
>       ---------
>       # ~/.profile, at login autoread by all Bourne-compatible shells (after 
> /etc/profile)
>       # ~/.profile is *NOT* executed by bash shell if ~/.bash_profile exists
>       # All 2nd level bash shells will read ~/.bashrc
>       # add wanted user owned subdirs,
>       # (e.g. sh = shell, pl = perl, py = python scripts) :
>       for DIR in /home/$LOGNAME/bin /home/$LOGNAME/sh /home/$LOGNAME/pl \
>               /home/$LOGNAME/py; do
>               [ -d $DIR ] && PATH=$PATH:$DIR
>       done

These seem to be your own customizations and don't seem to apply to the 
task at hand.

>       PATH=$PATH:.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

>       export PATH PS1 PS2
>       # mesg y
>       # 'cd' command (below) moves login `pwd` to  $HOME/.. !
>       # -----------------------------------------------------
>       # (applies new bash function 'cd ()')
>       # (defined in /etc/profile/profile.local)
>       cd
> 2.    Within /root, modify .bashrc, .profile :
>       ========================================
>       prepend command:        "./etc/profile"         to  .bashrc

Are you missing a space here?

>       append  command:        "cd"                            to  .profile
> 3.  Modify /etc/passwd: login_dir ==> /home/<user>/.rc
>       ==================================================
>       example:
>       wwf:x:1001:1001:Wilko Fokken,,,:/home/wwf/.rc:/bin/bash

So basically you're setting $HOME to be /home/$user/.rc

> 4.    /etc/profile    Add call to homebrew /etc/profile.local:
>       ========================================================
>       (keeps original condition of /etc/profile)
>       # ----------------------------------------------------
>       test -f /etc/profile.local     && . /etc/profile.local
>       test -f ~/.alias.sh            && . ~/.alias.sh
>       # ----------------------------------------------------
> 5.    # /etc/profile.local: Modifications to login process
>       # ==================================================
>       # umask 022
>       # Unclutter root's and user's HOME_dir:
>       # -------------------------------------
>       # root:  $HOME => /root                         $CDHOME => /
>       # users: $HOME => /home/<user>/.rc;     $CDHOME => /home/<user>
>       # cutting off {/root | /.rc} from "LOGIN_dir" :
>       CDHOME=`dirname $HOME`
>       # "cd" (no params): Go to "LOGIN_dir", NOT to "LOGIN_dir"/.rc :
>       cd ()  {
>               [ $1 ] && builtin cd $1 || builtin cd ${CDHOME}
>       }       

And you are customizing 'cd' to take you to /home/$user/ instead of 

>       # ================================================= #
>       # End of functions supporting displaced dot files ! #
> ======================================================================
>       # (The following lines are NOT directly related to dot files) :

Why include them then?

[snip unrelated customizations]

Kind regards,
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