Ralf Mardorf grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> There's a Wiki about what to consider for the most safe backup:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finagle%27s_law

I used to read a lot of Larry Niven, so I'm well versed with the concept
of Finagle's Law (and yes, I know it was John Campbell Jr who originally
coined the term, but Niven popularized it in a number of his stories -
and heck, even the original Star Trek series made a couple of references
to it). :-)

> However, it can't harm to do what's possible, as long as it won't cost
> much money and/or time, aka inappropriate effort.


> We lose and we win. Anybody on this list in the age of > 40 still in
> partnership with the non-platonic friend loved in the age of 14 ;)? If
> not, nevertheless survived ;)?

I have no idea what that means.... <puzzled>


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