On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Mike Kupfer <m.kup...@acm.org> wrote:

> Joel Rees wrote:
> > > Anybody else seen this? Have an idea what's going on?
> I haven't seen this, nor do I know what's going on, but here are some
> things I would check if I were seeing that sort of video breakage:

Thanks for responding. I was wondering if everyone had kill-filed me.

> Do you have compositing enabled (under Window Manager Tweaks)?  If you
> do, does the problem go away if you disable compositing?

Compositing is not enabled, according to the GUI. Maybe I should try
enabling it. (My son's monopolizing the box right now.)

> I'm assuming that you're using more or less standard Xfce.

Haven't been ambitious enough to do a lot of modding, so it should be. But
I'm not confident I got all the implicit dependencies taken care of when I
upgraded from squeeze to wheezy.

>  If that's
> incorrect, a more detailed description of your desktop setup would be
> helpful.
> And do you know what video card you're using and what driver?

On-board graphics on a cheap AMD (Sempron) motherboard -- VIA KM266pro, I
think, maybe KM400, + VT8237 -- from about eight or nine years ago.

Again, I'll have to get my son to finish up what he's doing, to look at the
dmesg and /proc carefully. A quick scan didn't find me the drivers and he
wants to play with the internet.

> regards,
> mike

Joel Rees

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