Pol Hallen:
>> You can do it with two different configuration files on the client side.
> so I can have 2 instances of openvpn on same client. On clients root users 
> start up vpn, how run 2 instances? I've 2 config files and different 
> certificates 
> of each vpn.
> How start I (i.e.) second instance?

IIRC you just need to place your *.conf files in /etc/openvpn. By
default, OpenVPN reads all these files and starts separate processes.

You can edit /etc/default/openvpn to change this behaviour. You can also
have specific instances start during ifup of a certain network

iface eth0 inet dhcp
        openvpn myvpn

When eth0 comes up, OpenVPN is started with the config file

I am not scared of death but terrified of people in Tommy Hilfiger
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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