Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Sun 04 Aug 2013 at 08:45:19 -0700, David Guntner wrote:
>> I just discovered that the upgrade "thoughtfully" added anacron back to
>> my system (I removed it from squeeze because my system is used as a
>> server, thus is up 24/7, thus doesn't need anacron).  I note that
>> anacron is a "suggests" in the entry for cron (aptitude show cron), so
>> I'm guessing that apt/aptitude now installs things which are simply
>> suggested?  If that's so, is there a way to turn that off?
> Installing "suggests" is not default behaviour. A look at your system
> and the output of 'apt-cache rdepends anacron' may help to track down
> why it was installed.

Thanks for the info.  I gave it a try:

$ apt-cache rdepends anacron
Reverse Depends:

I checked a bunch of those.  They all showed either requires cron and
suggests anacron, or requires cron | anacron (which we know means it
wants either - since cron was already in the system, I'm not sure if
that would have triggered an anacron install during a dist-upgrade).
Strange stuff, that.  Either way, doing a purge of anacron (again
<grin>) got rid of it, and there were no dependency complaints when I
did it - the purge command got rid of only one package.

Well, I'll continue to keep an eye on things.  It does turn out that
anacron was running the show at around the time I had my issue.  Between
log rotations, other things that it does, and tripwire (whoops, forgot
to update that manually after the update, so I got a 3.2M E-Mail this
morning listing all the things it saw as changed lol), it could just be
that the system really *was* bogged down between all the heavy stuff
going on at the time.  I'm not typically awake at the time that cron
runs all those things, so it will be hard to tell if future run-daily
jobs will have as strong of an impact as it might have today.  But I'll
definitely be on the lookout for any additional strange system hangs....


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