Fred White wrote:
> If I apt-get install (package) from debian-backports/
> squeeze-backports main will any other areas of my debian get
> modified?
> I am using [squeeze] and the package that I need is in squeeze-backport

When you perform the installation action it will tell you exactly what
packages are being installed.  Look that list over carefully.  That
list is the list of packages that are being installed.  They will
either come from squeeze or they will come squeeze-backports.

If you say what package are you wanting to install from
squeeze-backports then we could tell you how to determine the list of
dependencies for it.

> I am still very much new in doing things on my server and I just got
> messed up and the techs had to new re-imaging of the server because
> I updated a package from sid.

Unstable Sid can be a brutal kid at times.  It is best to stick with
the production releases unless you know what you are doing and want to
spend the time to drive the system in detail.

Speaking of which Squeeze 6 is now the OldStable.  The current Stable
release is Wheezy 7.  You probably should consider upgrading to Wheezy
7 so as to get continued security upgrade support.


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