
Hi Ralph, hope you are well.

Your general, non-direct reply to my questions to you, is by default
consent to my implied positions.

I _am_ still interested to know if you consider yourself to be a
compulsive relationship-communication boundary tester?

I defend your right to free speech. Some of your speech invites questions.

Also I shall respond to some of your comments below:

On 8/27/13, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> I only want to point out that that there isn't such as the good, the bad
> and the ugly distro. No distro of the known distros with a huge user
> base is better or worse than another distro.


Discrimination is good.
It is healthy!
It is essential!
Viva la discrimination!
If you don't stand for something, you fall for anything!
Do you want luke warm politically correct blurps?

Fedora/RedHat has strict libre adherence for since forever. Debian has
social contract forever.

These advantages are definitive!

These distributions are therefore superior! They are definitively better!

We who are involved, are involving ourselves in visions and intentions
which visions and which intentions are beyond mere utility (take THAT,

Debian has >40,000 software packages, more than any other, and makes
Debian definitively better than other distros. So even on utility
metric, Debian is better!

Debian runs on >12 architectures. Definitively better!

> I can mention advantages
> and drawbacks for most of them, IOW for all of them I used/I'm using.

Pick your metric Ralph!

You are taking a fence-sitting politically correct luke warm position.
By you saying what you are saying, you are saying every distribution
is "nearly as good as" other distributions.

This implied conclusion from your words Ralph, is NOT TRUE!

You are choosing a limited set of metrics for "better", and you are
failing to disclose your chosen metrics!

And then, if you pretend to be the consummate philosopher you will
probably begin to argue that any metrics are as good as any other ...
or that one "preferred" metric is as good as many other!

Just because you have time to spend time learning (mastering any?)
multiple GNU/Linux distributions does not mean other people are in
same situation.

Just because you fail to place an absolute scalar "better" value to
one end of a chosen metrics over the other end of that metric,
and/ or just because you fail to place a scalar "better" value of one
metric over another metric,
does not mean your position is valid!
Politically correct yes, but valid no, useful no, divisive possibly,
and indiscriminate certainly!

Someone who uses Gentoo or Arch, may have to spend time
custom-compiling some software that is not there. This takes time.

So pre-packaged software of Debian, makes Debian definitively better
than those other distros which do not have the software I need! Debian
saves me a lot of time, and this makes Debian definitively better for
me, on the metric of my personal time consumption, convenience metric,
flexibility of software choice metric, libre metric, community size
metric, founded on social conscience metric!

Ralph, it is ok to be universally agnostic...
But that is not optimal for some people's needs!! Like me for example.
And that is perhaps a luke-warm existence .. you can keep it.

On the surface, some of your comments appear to me broad-minded,
but I see underneath that you fail to speak of the truth of other
individual real living people, like me, and so you appear to me to be
in fact, narrow-minded.

It clearly looks to me like you are projecting your own personal
"best" concepts and "likes" onto everybody.

Discrimination is good!
It is personal!
It carries intent!
In fact, my discriminating, is my living of deep intents within me!

Ralph, right now, I am spending some of my time to engage with you in
this conversation.
Your communication/actions evidence underlying, perhaps unseen by you, intents.
The consequence of your actions, is evidence of those intents
(subconscious or conscious) manifested.

(For example, the engagement of another in communication, is some evidence...)

> When I read on a Debian list, that Debian is the best, or on an Ubuntu
> list that Ubuntu is the best or on an Arch list, that Arch is the best
> or ..., than I only read, the distro is a religion or an attitude to
> life, but distros aren't that.

No, but people are living!

People (some of them) have attitude in life! Is it wonderful?

For some technology, a distribution like Debian to unite people in a
social contract, is this not astounding? Is this not an amazing use
for technology, to turn people's minds to something higher than mere
atoms and bits?

Is this not worthy of celebration? a party of living! We can do more
with Debian, yes, but there is a message, we can _be_ more! Can you
believe that people believe this?

This is good.

This is excellent.

I, Zenaan, align with the Debian Manifesto.

I, Zenaan, align with RedHat and Fedora's staunch stance for liberty
in technology!

I trust and hope and seek that these foundation principles enliven and
inspire others in my community to good heart and to the action for
good intentions.

Seek the reasons of why those others say something is "best", and
perhaps, you may find peace in expressing a preference of your own :)

> There's no need to glom on to a distro,
> this likely does cause more work, than to switch distros.

Makes no sense to me! I think the opposite.

> Regarding to Cinnamon and Mate, they are often mentioned when users
> experience issues with GNOME3 when they switched from GNOME2 and you did
> it in the same context, that's why I only wanted to point out, that my
> impression is, that people should be careful to use those desktops on
> production environments, especially when installed from a third party
> repository.

I think your advice of caution is well made! I agree with this :)

Best regards

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