Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Sat 31 Aug 2013 at 10:08:17 -0700, David Guntner wrote:
>> Well, what the heck!
>> I hadn't run the backup since before the upgrade to Wheezy.  So after
>> removing the partition and restoring it, then running it (which now
>> backed up my Wheezy system), I got the following when running grub update:
>>> # update-grub
>>> Generating grub.cfg ...
>>> Found background image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png
>>> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64
>>> Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
>>> Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86+.bin
>>> Found memtest86+ multiboot image: /memtest86+_multiboot.bin
>>> Found Debian GNU/Linux (7.1) on /dev/sdb1
>>> done
> os-prober has once again done an efficient job.
>   > > Found Debian GNU/Linux (7.1) on /dev/sdb1
>> ...And it's back.  Why on Earth is it finding stuff under /backup and
>> treating it like it's actually going to be bootable???
> You are thinking of this the wrong way. os-prober is not looking at what
> is under /backup but what is on the partition.
>> Grub is weird.
> A three word statement like that is enough to start the Legacy GRUB and
> LILO advocates chipping in. We'll pretend you didn't say it; especially
> as it is os-prober which should be outed.
>> Well, I guess at least the mystery is solved.  Even if that means I'm
>> stuck with an extraneous entry in my boot menu....
> Why is it "extraneous"? You have told os-prober to find OSs.

Well, I guess that's the default configuration.  *I* didn't tell it
anything. :-)  Remember, I started this with, "I've used lilo all my
life and know it backwards and forwards and sideways and so on, and now
I'm stuck with grub which I don't understand at all." lol

So then, the question becomes:  Is there a configuration option
somewhere that I can use to tell this os-prober thing to *not* probe
down a particular directory?  I've seen references to being able to just
uninstall it, but I'd prefer to not do that if possible - if I do at
some point add another OS (though it's doubtful - this machine is run as
a server so I can't see a reason why I'd ever do that, but I like  to
keep my options open when I can), it would be nice to have this thing
find it.  But I'm never going to want to boot to/from the partition
where /backup is mounted, so if there's some kind of "exclude" option,
that would be awesome.  Failing that, I'll just put up with the extra
option on the boot menu.  It's not like I boot very often... :-)



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