Hi Johan,

I am not very sure whether you can install windows after any GNU/Linux installation.

I would recommend you to install Windows first by leaving some disk space for Debian and then install Debian in the remaining disk space left by Windows.

Balamurugan R

On 09/15/2013 02:45 AM, Johan Thallauer wrote:

Hi im trying to install windows 7 from my usb drive on a mchine that already has debian only installed on it and I keep getting "

  invalid partition table" so is there something that I have to do in
  debian to fix this?

(I love it when copy-paste also copies thte dont styles, so stupid....)

see my question here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/installing-win-7-invalid-partition-table/f55a3ef7-2db4-42cf-aa32-bd2ca316037c?tm=1379103513024

thanks for reading!

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