For the records,

On 09/13/2013 10:07 PM, e.waelde wrote:
> Hello,
> my main workstation runs its root-filesystem on lvm
> on crypt_luks on raid1 (software raid). Everything
> works flawless with kernel-image-3.2.0-4-amd64
> However, all later kernels that I tried fail to boot,
> e.g. kernel-image-3.10-3-amd64
> + grub2 starts the kernel
> + the kernel starts quering all hw.
>   It somehow fails to assemble the raid, it seems. At least
>   I do not see any raid related messages (even after adding "verbose debug"
>   to the kernel argument list.
> I inspected the contents of the initial ramdisks (3.2 and 3.10) and did
> not find anything sufficiently different in conf, etc, scripts.
> Can anyone confirm this setup is working on amd64 with kernel 3.10 say?
> Any pointers, on how to better debug this? I once managed to get a shell
> in the initramfs stage. I could load raid1, assemble the raid manually,
> luksOpen the crypted partition, start lvm ... but the I did something
> which locked the system (unfortunately I cannot remember, how I got there).
> Unfortunately all further attempts to drop into a shell in initramfs have
> failed on me.
> FWIW: I was able to reproduce this problem by installing wheezy on two
> empty disks, then upgrade to unstable and trying to boot the newer kernel.
> So I suspect I missed something during the upgrade ...
> cpu: AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
> disks: connected through SATA
> OS: Debian unstable
> Any ideas on how to proceed?

I got a hint off-list to add
to the kernel command line in grub. This did help!

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