On Sun, 2013-09-22 at 19:01 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
I recently got
back from holiday.  I have found catching up on the list really 
> difficult 
because so many people now break threads and don't trim quotes, or, 
> even worse,
do not quote at all. hyposensibilization might help
> What on 
earth am I to make of, for example:
> Re Widgets 
<but not connected in any way to the thread>:
> Yes, I quite agree, Stephen.  But I find it helpful if you use the
> Or when 
people do quote, person after person top quotes, interspersed with 
> people bottom quoting.  Made worse by long paragraphs with no breaks.
> _Please_ people.  The 
idea is that we should help each other and that that 
> help should 
be available in the archive for searchers to find.  We need to be 
> both legible 
and comprehensible.

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