Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > My guess would be an incomplete or otherwise screwed-up Perl transition
> > (dpkg-reconfigure is a Perl script and debconf's postinst calls a bunch
> > of Perl scripts as well). Check the status of the Perl packages on your
> > friend's machine, here is what I have on up-to-date Sid/amd64:

A good suggestion.  Very likely related.  I manually walked through
the packages and upgraded them with dpkg -i perl-foo_X.Y.deb and I
think all of them are now at current Sid levels.  Unfortunately the
dpkg segfault continues.

I also found a large number of removed-config state packages.

  dpkg -l | awk '$1~/^rc/{print$2}'| wc -l

Mostly libraries.

  dpkg -l | awk '$1~/^rc/&&$2~/^lib/{print$2}' | wc -l 345

Those seem safe to purge so purging them to simplify things somewhat.

  dpkg -l | awk '$1~/^rc/{print$2}'| wc -l

I am able to manually upgrade by 'dpkg -i' for individual packages.  A
little tedious.  But making some progress.  I am going to try to get
perl completely up to date.  That hopefully will fix the sig segv


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