Hi all:

I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete
mail-web-vpninfrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we
are a successful
case of open software use in the "real world"

But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining about
OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I change
OO from3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in that version.

The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version indefinetly?

I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going short. What
will happen when they release the new version of debian? I don't know what
to do...

Thanks in advance for any advices.


PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in my

¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
como imposible¨

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