
Le 08.10.2013 13:33, Florian Lindner a écrit :

Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable
wheezy, I want to
recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency
checking. What
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What
about using



Both are front-end for dpkg, so there will be no real difference
on the system after using one, the other or both.
I use both without any problem.

The differences between them is that aptitude:
* is slower
* have more built-in features
* have a ncurse interface

The slowness of aptitude should not be noticeable on a fast
computer like a server, so you can probably forgot about that.
Built-in features aptitude have that apt-get *might* (I am not
sure) not have *built-in* (but you can add apt-* stuff to add
them I think) are some tools to support debtags (if installed),
research of solutions when something is broken, and... I do not
know what else :)

The aptitude's ncurse GUI is nice, at least for an end-user like
me. On a server, where I think you probably know what and why to
install/update, I doubt it will be.
But for the end user, it allows to quickly search and find a
package depending on it's name, sorted by either categories or by
The problem imho of that interface is that:
* if you have any broken package ( by a modification you put, but
did not validated ) it will be slow as hell ( it will checks
solutions at each move for nothing )
* debtags are only shown as a tree, there is no really good
interface to manage them ( but it is better than nothing )
* if you need multiarch, you will have to brows each package
multiplied by the number of archs you use. Sadly, the interface
did not used a way like the one used for versions for that...

On a production server, I would use apt-get: faster.
For testing needs, or R&D, I would go for aptitude and use it's
interface to browse packages and find solutions depending on the
current state of the system ( it is easier to check which
dependencies are being installed with aptitude's ncurse GUI than
on a command line ).

Hope it helps.

Don't know if it helps the OP, but it does help me. Thank you.
I'm experimenting with a very lean idiosyncratic install. It sounds as aptitude will be appropriate for me. Off to read man pages etc ;)

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