I have done a list off complains in my Oo users. I had worked out almost
all of them, but there is a really bad issue about file load speed.

The accountant department have a set of (very) large files which are used
to calculate salaries to all employees. I already told them that is
suboptimal in the very best case and dangerous in the worst scenario.
In Ooany of that set of files loads
in 15 sec in average. In Lo it loads in about one minute.

I guess they are right about such load time performance.
I suppose my best shot is to wait until Lo improves.

In the meantime I talk to them. Sometime we, IT guys, have to do some
psychoanalyst work. Jah.

When I have news... I'll let you know.

Thanks for all your suggestions and advices


PD: again. Forgive my English. I like to see my language well used, so I
understand if you fell I am destroying English with an axe :P

2013/10/10 Paul van der Vlis <p...@vandervlis.nl>

> Hi Ezequiel,
> Op 08-10-13 14:10, Ezequiel schreef:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete mail-web-vpn
> > infrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we are a successful
> > case of open software use in the "real world"
> I do support for many of such firms.
> > But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining
> > about OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I
> > change OO from 3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in that
> > version.
> >
> > The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version indefinetly?
> Yes there is, but it's not the right way.
> You have to switch to libre office because the security support for
> oldstable will stop after a year after the new release.
> And the security support of the browsers in oldstable is allready
> stopped. Ahum...
> > I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going short.
> > What will happen when they release the new version of debian?
> Wheezy is already released, maybe I understand something wrong?
> Upgrades to new versions are not automatically, when you have the name
> of the release in your sources.list. So don't use "stable" but e.g.
> "wheezy".
> > I don't know what to do...
> You need to upgrade in the coming time.
> Listen good to your users about the problems they have with it, and find
> solutions for them. Do it slow, and with attention. Maybe you can
> upgrade one PC first, so they can show what the problem is.
> But when they come with nonsense be hard to them...
> With regards,
> Paul van der Vlis.
> > Thanks in advance for any advices.
> >
> > Zeke
> >
> > PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in my
> > writing.
> >
> > --
> > ¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
> > escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
> > en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
> > como imposible¨
> --
> Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen
> http://www.vandervlis.nl

¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
como imposible¨

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