Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> Jochen Spieker wrote:
> >Very strange. Did you try changing to another mirror, just to see if
> >that helps? Did you set a proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf{,.d}?
> That was the problem: we had previously been using the approx proxy
> server, and there was an Acquire::http::proxy set in
> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d.   During the upgrade to wheezy, approx was held
> back for some reason and wasn't functioning, so I switched back to
>, but the file was preventing it
> from working.
> Commenting out the proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf fixed the
> problem.  (Then I was able to upgrade approx and switch back to
> using the proxy, which is for a cluster setup, as before.)

This is too late to help you.  Glad to read that you have fixed your
problem.  But for the archive and others who search later let me add
this hint.  You can dump your current APT config settings and look for
any proxy settings.  For example:

  $ apt-config dump | grep -i proxy
  Acquire::http::Proxy "";;

I am sure that if you saw that or similarly other settings that it
would have led you to the problem quickly.


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