John W. Foster:
> I simply use the "/sites-enabled/default" in apache2 to send web queries
> to the VPS site.

You probably need to set up "name based virtual hosting". I guess all
you need to do is add an appropriate ServerName or ServerAlias to the
default site.

> Here is the issue.
> When I try to access the mediawiki for configuration, using 
> (example)  the site will not work as it should.
> It opens the startup page but will do nothing else.
> When I access the site with http:// (example numerical
> IP address) the VPS site allows the mediawiki to run the configuration &
> setup as it should.

Your obfuscation does not help us to help you. As far as I understand,
your site is already publicly available. Why hide the necesary
information to take a look ourselves?

> This is my first attempt to manage a remote site so I really need
> advice.

Start by reading Apache documentation.

I often blame my shortcomings on my upbringing.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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