Tom H wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Of course I know nothing about vlan configuration so I am likely wrong
> > here.  I just know that visually it doesn't match.  However all of the
> > docs I see just now suggest using a bridge.  Perhaps something like this.
> >
> >   auto eth0
> >   allow-hotplug eth0
> >   iface eth0 inet static
> >           address
> >           netmask
> >   iface eth0 inet static
> >           address
> >           netmask
> >   iface eth0.77 inet manual
> >   auto br0.77
> >   iface br0.77 inet manual
> >           bridge_ports eth0.77
> >           bridge_fd 0
> >           bridge_maxwait 0
> >
> > But again, I just did that blind from the online docs.  I am not a
> > vlan expert.  Feel free to tell me I am wrong and do not know
> > anything.  :-)
> You're bridging in strange/incorrect way. :(
> It's br0.77 that should have an ip address assigned and the physical
> devices should have "inet manual" only.

I don't doubt you.  I suggested that due to the reference here.  In
that it writes that both are possible and lists them as alternatives.

Perhaps someone could update that documentation with the lastest known
best practices?


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