On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 05:45:12PM -0600, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 at 23:16 GMT, Simon Tod penned:
> > In an attempt to redistribute disk space I'm trying to shrink the size
> > of my swap space.
> > 
> > Qtparted refuses to do the job as it's in use and the version on my
> > Knoppix CD doesn't appear to work. The parted boot disk is currently
> > unavailable from the GNU website, so my only option at the moment
> > appears to be using parted on the fly. *However* parted warns me that
> > the partition is in use and modification could cause severe
> > corruption. Can I ignore this warning?  (running version 1.6.6-1 on
> > sid).
> Perhaps you could comment out the swap section of your fstab and reboot,
> then try it?  Assuming that the system doesn't have a cow because it
> can't find swap (I have no idea if it would), I would think this would
> work.

Alternatively, check out the swapoff command.

And I'm given to understand that you DO NOT want to simply ignore
parted's warning about modifying an in-use partition.

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>  Please do not  |                   - Scottish Proverb                  <
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