John Hasler wrote:
> Doug writes:
> > I'm not sure how you limit the superuser ability.
> By configuring exactly which commands each user is permitted to execute.

Perhaps an example sudoers configuration would help people:

User_Alias      HOSTMASTERS = trent

Host_Alias      DNSSERVERS = somehostname

Cmnd_Alias      DNSZONEEDIT = \
        sudoedit /etc/bind/, \
        sudoedit /etc/bind/, \
        sudoedit /etc/bind/

Cmnd_Alias      NAMEDCTL = \
        /usr/sbin/rndc reload, \
        /usr/sbin/service bind9 reload, \
        /usr/sbin/service bind9 restart, \
        /usr/sbin/service bind9 status


In the above user Trent can edit a few specific files.  Trent can
cause the daemon to be reloaded.  Can check the daemon status.  Can
restart the daemon if needed.  (Maybe they made an error in the file?
Maybe something else killed the daemon?)

Effectively Trent has all of the tools and power needed to perform the
job of hostmaster for those DNS zones.  But Trent is otherwise not a
superuser on the system.


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